Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cranberries Are Sweet

 I went to New York City awhile back for a college visit (it was disappointing, I cried) and my mother and I did a little shopping, a.k.a we went to Zara, looked at pretty clothes and bought the cheapest thing there, this lovely shirt. It has become a staple in my wardrobe and I love it. Any shade of red is perfect for me, the color looks amazing on me, but only because I am secretly a vampire. (shhhh. . . don't tell.)

Doc Martens, I love you. So much. Also jeans I have had since 8th grade, I love you. 

Top: Zara
Sweater: thrifted Lord and Taylor 
Pants: Unknown
Shoes: Doctor Martens
Socks: Target brand

Monday, December 17, 2012

Maybe I'm a Blue Bird

How cool is this hat I am wearing? I am in love with it. My best friend and I were in an antique shop and I saw this and I had to have it. It is the most perfect hat there is. I honestly do not think there could be such a beautiful hat around, since it is a) blue (DUH DA BEST COLOR EVER) b) vintage, so therefore it is awesome c) it looks like a little Russian girl/ sailor hat. Also this dress is slowly becoming my favorite dress in my wardrobe   
 I look cute and secretive, therefore your argument is invalid. (Not really you are all entailed to your own opinion.) 

Coat: Target
Dress: Thrifted 
Hat: Vintage
Belt: Vintage
Shoes: DIY
Tights: Target
Bracelet: gifted
Watch: Target

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Point and Shoot

 I have stolen my fathers old school camera from him and he is never getting it back. Ever. It is coming to college with me and I want to watch him try to change that fact of life.
The camera is slightly faulty right now though, I tried using it for a photo project and none of the pictures turned out. I cried. Excuse me for having high stress levels. 
Top: thrifted
Pants: c/o my cousin
Shoes: thrifted
Sweater: Grace

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Snow White, Snow Bright

 The first snow is always the best. These red oxfords are also the best. But snow plus leather shoes, does not equal the best. Oh well, shoes are meant to be worn so of course they will get wet, distressed, and tired looking. This sweater also makes me happy, a friend described it as "hipster cameo" which so fits. I don't classify myself as hipster, I classify myself as nerdfighter-rookie-wholock-who-reads-creates-art-and-likes-clothes. Or you can call me weird and an art freak.  

  I looked so washed out. Oh well. 
Top: thrifted
Pants: thrifted
Shoes: thrifted
Blazer: thrifted

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rooftop Musings

College applications stress me out.  A lot. And getting a portfolio ready makes me stressed, painting doesn't though, strange world. I just want to be accepted  to my top college, go there and do what I want to do for the rest of my life. Please let me accepted to college. Please, please, please,please.  

 I stand on rooftops on a windy day in a dress while people run by my house. I lead a good life. Polka dots are also the greatest things ever in the world. Just letting you all know I am obsessed with them. 
Dress: Thrifted Liz Claiborne
Sweater: Thrifted Lord and Taylor
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Thrifted Nordstrom
 Scarf: handmade

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

 I have decided to hide my face from the world for a little while. The world cannot handle all of it's astounding beauty at the moment. I instead present you with sweggings, not sweatpants, not jeggings, and not leggings! They really are the most amazing thing, I had wanted a pair of sweatpants that I could dress up then lo and behold these beauties found their way into my life. (They literally just showed up and I took them.) It has been bliss since then. This is my Ralph Lauren sweater vest I mentioned before. It makes me happy just thinking about it, which I do often since I am currently wearing it. It is also one of my favorite shades of blue so that is a perk! Long live the glorious color blue and Ralph Lauren and may you grace the presence of my closet often in the future.

Raspberry socks are raspberry! Paired with taupe booties they make the world go round.
 (I look like such a hipster loser.) 
Coat: Puma Ferrari
Sweggings: Thrifted
Shirt: Gap
Sweater vest: Ralph Lauren
Socks: Tommy Hilfiger
Shoes: Target
Hat: Thrifted

Monday, November 26, 2012

Dark Blue, Dark Blue

 The color blue is just such a lovely and calm color. I really do not understand why it is classified as a "boy" color when you are younger and pink is a "girl" color. Since when do we classify your gender through a color? And why would an intelligent society base something through a color? I am honestly baffled and upset with whoever came up with the idea to give little boys blue blankets and little girls pink blankets? My closet is full of all different shades of blue, honestly a third of my closet is blue. There is a little touch of pink. Just a tad. So stick that in your juice box and suck it silly gender color identification.

I love my Dr. Martens. 6 bucks at a thrift store. So happy with these shoes. I need more Docs though. 

Dress: thrifted Liz Claiborne 
Coat: Misimo 

Shoes: thrifted Dr. Martens
Bag: Target brand
Hat: Lord and Taylor

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Maybe We Are All Bricks in the Wall

 New York is becoming increasingly more cold, and windy, quite windy as you can probably tell by these lovely photos (I apologize for looking so awkward). We had the first snow fall this morning. I woke up, looked out my bedroom and freaked out I was so excited. I love the snow, I love winter, I just love that you can curl up in ball with a good book and the space heater going, wearing your favorite sweater and your slippers and everything is quiet, snow is falling gently to the ground and you are just happy.
 This sweater also makes me increasingly happy, I went thrifting with my mother and I got this sweater, a Lord and Taylor 100% cashmere cardigan, in camel, I have been wanting a sweater like this forever and I got it for 3 dollars!!!! I freaked! 100% cashmere! Lord and Taylor! Camel! I also got a Ralph Lauren sweater vest for 2 dollars, swoon, I know. I am in love with Ralph and all that he does and I finally have my own! I was so excited. I also found this dreamy blue sweater dress by Liz Claiborne, 28% wool, I love wool, for 6 bucks. I will wear these both in the weeks to come. My mother was upset that I was able to find so many great things and she wasn't. I am sorry Mommy. 

Top: thrifted St. John's Bay
Sweater: thrifted Lord and Taylor
Jeans: second hand
Shoes: Airwalk
Blazer: thrifted
Hat: Lord and Taylor

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

 I recently went and saw the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower with my best friend. I cried, she cried, first movie she has ever cried in, I only cry about movies, books, and television, so no biggy for me. The movie was absolutely beautiful though, if you have read the book and don't want the to see the movie because you feel like it will ruin the book, GO SEE IT. My friend and I honestly thought it was better then the book in some ways, it was such an accurate description because, well the author of the book wrote and directed it. The characters were gorgeous, that's the only way to describe it honestly, the are such human and flawed characters and the actors did an amazing job of portraying that. Logan Lerman WAS Charlie, a depressed, awkward, lonely kid who was trying so hard to get by, and his performance brought you to tears, it was beautiful. The book is one of my favorite novels because of it accurately describes how teenagers think about about issues, and shows how our minds work. I loved the novel and if you did too, you will not be disappointed by the movie.
(tell me they aren't the most perfect thing ever.)
photo credit:NME

Chilly Blue

 If I look cold in these pictures, its because I am. New York is becoming extremely chilly but I cannot wait for winter so I can wear sweaters, long sleeves, and tights again without looking like a total freak of nature. Though looking like a freak is basically how I live my life. Oh well, haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. These wedges are nuts, I have been borrowing them from my dear cousin since she went away to college, there are 4 and a half inches, a size and a half too small and after wearing them to school for a full 7 hours your feet hurt quite a bit. Ah the things we do for beauty.

 Socks and heels make everything so much better. And the color blue,  one of my favorite colors, okay my absolute favorite color in the world. Wear it way too much.

Top: thrifted
Pants: second hand
Socks: Mosimo
Sweater: Miley Cyrus for Max Azra
Shoes: Candies

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all had a lovely day full of mashed potatoes, yummy rolls, turkey, cranberry sauce, and lots of delicious pies. Especially homemade apple pie. That is definitely my favorite pie in the world, honestly whenever my mother makes me I get so incredibly happy it is so amazing. Enough about food (even though it is one of the best things ever) let us talk about pink sparkly shoes. And clothes. But mostly about my shoes. I wanted these TOMS for about a year or two before I actually got them, and now I wear more then I probably should, but alas when you love something it gets worn and after awhile you kind of just stop caring. This shirt is also one great item in my closet, it is a DIY I did a few summers back using a lace sheet and fabric spray paint. I will start doing DIY's because they bring me such joy. I hope you all have a lovely holiday!

 I like whimsical things. And whimsy is one of my favorite words.

Shorts: thrifted
Top: DIY
Shoes: TOMS
Sweater: Grace Elements

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Red Wars

 This Star Wars t-shirt is honestly on of the greatest things that I own, I could wear it for DAYS! Seriously how do you not like a shirt with Darth Vader rocking out? How many shirts are like this? (probably a lot given that the brand Chunk is popular in Europe.) Actually if you Google image search Chunk Clothing Darth Vader you will get this shirt. I feel so much cooler. 

One thing I do quite often is wear men's clothing. It is just so comfortable and freeing how it isn't so form fitting. I like to believe that I dress androgynous a lot. Which I do. Quite frequently with no thought about it. I also wear children's clothing, such as this little red jacket my grandmother brought me back from Italy when I was about ten. The perks of being small.    

 I like geeky clothes. I am trying to start a collection of geeky tops. 
Shirt: Chunk
Jacket: Iana
Shorts: thrifted
Shoes: thrifted